Vegas to Memphis… Double Tape vs the Individual tapes.
I gotta say the individuals don’t hold up very well to the double.
“In Person” puts “Can’t Help Falling In Love” as the last song on the first track and ends the show with “My Babe”. That’s so wrong! It’s like the engineers were only paying attention to the math instead of the music. On a normal tape you would have to split the two sides of an album into 4 tracks and engineers would adjust the playing order based on song length to best fit in this new limited space. RCA learned their lesson and every live show after this maintains the correct running order and splitting songs when necessary. This maintains the momentum of the live document and doesn’t reduce it to just another collection of songs.
The Double Tape P8S-5076 maintains the correct running order for the live show and is so much more satisfying. The third track starts with the great “Can’t Help Falling In Love”, ending the live show and making a perfect transition to American Sound Studios. Back in Memphis maintains the album song sequence making this, in my humble opinion, one of his best 8 Tracks. The sound is loud and punchy with great bass response and worth the spin.
Stick with the double 8 Track or Reel to Reel on this selection, you won’t be disappointed.